Performance Tips: the cost of allocation

Looking at the performance results of algorithms using arrays I noticed something very drastic. LuaJIT was terribly slow compared to the other languages.

Algorithm C++ float C++ fixed LuaJIT JavaScript
Ladder Euler 4.160 ms/s 5.600 ms/s 306.951 ms/s 20.63 ms/s
Ladder Heun 6.480 ms/s 10.210 ms/s 855.072 ms/s 64.650 ms/s
Rescomb 2.840 ms/s 1.870 ms/s 2.286 ms/s 9.01 ms/s
Delay 2.210 ms/s 9.340 ms/s 3.130 ms/s 6.370 ms/s

All these examples use arrays. The main difference is that the Ladder examples use small local arrays to functions, while the other examples use large arrays as mem variables. Here’s a snippet of the code:

fun euler(input, cut, res) { mem fh; mem p[4]; val dpt[4]; /// local array if(Util.change(cut)) { fh = tune(cut); } _ = ladder_step(input, fh, res, p, dpt); p[0] = p[0] + dpt[0]; p[1] = p[1] + dpt[1]; p[2] = p[2] + dpt[2]; p[3] = p[3] + dpt[3]; return p[3]; }

The Lua code uses the LuaJIT FFI to create C arrays. The motivation of using it was because, as show here, you can get better performance with C arrays compares to Lua arrays. This is because Lua does not have native arrays, they are tables indexed with integers.

For the line val dpt[4]; the generated Lua code looks as follows:

dpt ="double[?]",4)

It looks like every time a local array is used, even for the simplest thing, a new object is allocated. When the object is not used, the memory needs to be collected. In comparison to C++, the code will look as follows:

double dpt[4];

The first thing I tried was changing the Lua code to use regular Lua arrays instead of the FFI.

Algorithm LuaJIT FFI arrays LuaJIT regular arrays
Ladder Euler 306.951 ms/s 3.541 ms/s
Ladder Heun 855.072 ms/s 7.193 ms/s
Rescomb 2.286 ms/s 3.794 ms/s
Delay 3.130 ms/s 3.715 ms/s

Even though for large arrays the performance we pay a little bit in performance, the overall gain is bigger.


When using LuaJIT, allocating small and short lived objects using FFI has very large impact in the performance of the code.